Category: Blog - page 10


Virtual Reality: How to easily establish consistent communications with anyone, anywhere

When the London Business School hosted its annual Global Leadership Summit in June 2014, the school surveyed attendees about a variety of modern business issues and challenges. While the results of that survey covered a variety of topics, one of the really interesting findings was that respondents believed that half of their employees would be […]

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Welcome to our new website!

After 27 years in business, and many more years of expertise we wanted a new website to better promote what we are passionate about: providing best-in-class solutions for the communication challenges that school districts, libraries, municipalities and businesses face. Whether you need to replace your business phone system, add HD video conferencing, or upgrade your […]

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Paying for Technology—4 Ways Schools Can Upgrade on a Tight Budget

We work with a lot of school districts and one challenge that almost always comes up is how can the school afford a technology upgrade? Unfortunately many of these purchases are rather expensive: upgrading the data network, upgrading and increasing the wireless network, replacing a legacy business phone system, etc. To make matters worse, schools […]

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