Category: Blog - page 7


Tips & Tricks to Modernize Your Contact Center

Are you looking to revamp your contact center and deliver better customer experiences? An end-to-end contact center suite offers you the opportunity to do just that. Take a look at some of the ways modern contact center solutions can help improve efficiency and productivity in your contact center: Embrace Multiple Channels A recent study of […]

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Technology Upgrades to Help Schools from “Falling Back”

It is now the end of Daylight Savings Time and schools need to set all of their clocks to “fall back.” While most of us are trying to get accustomed to the time change, a complex routine is playing out in many schools across the country. IT administrators must go through the painstaking task of […]

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Ensuring Your Phone System Is a Business Enabler

If you make money using the phone, then your phone system needs to be a business enabler, not an inhibiter. It needs to differentiate your business from your competition. Your prospects must be able to reach you in a timely manner. Your customers need to find you wherever you are, at the front desk, in […]

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Public, Private or Puffy: What Exactly Is the Cloud, Anyway?

Multi-cloud and hybrid cloud adoption is on the rise, according to the RightScale 2017 State of the Cloud Report, which found that organizations are using an average of eight different clouds. Eighty-five percent of organizations have a multi-cloud strategy, with 41 percent of IT workloads in public clouds and 38 percent in private clouds. Multiple […]

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Turning Collaboration from Buzzword to Competitive Advantage

According to Techaisle’s 2017 Top 10 SMB (small to midsize business) Business Issues, IT Priorities and IT Challenges report, the No. 2 IT priority is collaboration, behind the cloud and ahead of mobility and security. That’s a pretty powerful statement. Smaller organizations, on average, are saying that the ability of IT to support business collaboration […]

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How Contact Centers Support Evolving Goals and Priorities in Healthcare

As healthcare providers become more patient-centric, there is an increasing need for solutions that enable these organizations to treat patients more like customers. Just as consumers have increased expectations for customer service, responsiveness and communication, patients have similar expectations for the quality and delivery of care, communication with health professionals, finding answers to health-related questions, […]

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Helping School Administrators Stay Connected on the Go

K-12 and higher education school administrators have become just as mobile as the learning environments in their schools. Administrators are constantly visiting classrooms and buildings, meeting with parents and teachers, attending professional development workshops, and collaborating with fellow education professionals. Administration is no more tied to a desk than a child’s education is. And like […]

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How to Maximize the Benefits of Mobile Devices in Healthcare

Research firm IDC just published its Semiannual Mobility Spending Guide, showing continued strong investments in mobile devices, applications and services. The healthcare industry is leading the way in mobile, with projected spending that’s more than twice the overall average. In healthcare, mobile devices are being used to improve both operational efficiency and the quality and […]

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