Archive Tag: Lockdown - page 2


Eastern DataComm New Website Launched

EDC Website Blog Images

We are thrilled to announce the launch of our newly designed website. Visit us at to see the new website. After four months of work and commitment, we are delighted to reveal our new website officially on March 23, 2021. We wanted to make the new website user-friendly, easy to navigate and align with […]

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The Role of Technology in K-12 School Safety

Years ago, K-12 students had fire drills and “say no to drugs” programs. Some school districts also had students practice using emergency exits on buses. Today, there are lockdown drills to protect students against shooters and terrorists. There are extensive programs about bullying, sexual assault and weapons. Although serious violence is relatively rare, most schools […]

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Technology Upgrades to Help Schools from “Falling Back”

It is now the end of Daylight Savings Time and schools need to set all of their clocks to “fall back.” While most of us are trying to get accustomed to the time change, a complex routine is playing out in many schools across the country. IT administrators must go through the painstaking task of […]

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Helping School Administrators Stay Connected on the Go

K-12 and higher education school administrators have become just as mobile as the learning environments in their schools. Administrators are constantly visiting classrooms and buildings, meeting with parents and teachers, attending professional development workshops, and collaborating with fellow education professionals. Administration is no more tied to a desk than a child’s education is. And like […]

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