Archive Tag: cloud


8 Factors to Consider When Implementing a Cloud Phone System

In a previous post, we discussed why more organizations are moving their phone systems to the cloud and what to look for in a cloud phone system. More than cost savings, a cloud phone system offers more control and flexibility, simpler management, the ability to add or remove users and services as needed, access to […]

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How Cloud Technologies Prepare Your Organization for the Post-COVID-19 Workplace

Bought to you by: Renee Chang is a software developer for a large audiovisual technology company based in Southern California. When COVID-19 struck and tech companies led the work-from-home charge in early March, Chang’s company opted to stay the course. As surrounding organizations continued to send employees home, Chang’s colleagues wondered why their company had no similar […]

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The 8 Most-Asked Questions About Cloud Communications – Answered

81% of CIOs believe IT is entering a new era of customer-driven initiatives. Businesses are increasingly embracing cloud communications to craft better customer experiences. Some IT executives, failing to recognize the opportunities cloud solutions can bring to their businesses, are reluctant to adopt this new communications platform. Savvy CIOs view it as a key enabler […]

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Fear of Change in the Age of the Customer

Sometimes, we need to destroy the status quo to create a new model of engagement. Sometimes, the market does that for us and that can be even scarier. Change is always scary and overwhelming, especially when it comes to technology. But it is inevitable. The Cloud is changing the way businesses communicate.  Businesses have a […]

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Is It Time to Move Your Phone System to the Cloud?

Many organizations are using the cloud for some of their communications and collaboration tools. The cloud reduces or eliminates capital costs for on-premises hardware, offers more flexibility, shifts management and maintenance responsibilities to the cloud service provider, and allows you to pay as you go for what you need. Organizations are also moving their phone […]

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Public, Private or Puffy: What Exactly Is the Cloud, Anyway?

Multi-cloud and hybrid cloud adoption is on the rise, according to the RightScale 2017 State of the Cloud Report, which found that organizations are using an average of eight different clouds. Eighty-five percent of organizations have a multi-cloud strategy, with 41 percent of IT workloads in public clouds and 38 percent in private clouds. Multiple […]

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Why Cloud Phone Systems Make Sense for Startups

Entrepreneurship is critical to both economic growth and innovation. Entrepreneurs have the power to influence how we live and work, and force companies and individuals to change their ways of thinking. As these ideas take hold and startups become financially successful, they create jobs, reinvest in the organization, and contribute to a healthy economy. Without […]

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Is Your Old PBX System Hindering Your Employees’ Productivity?

Most employees today eschew the traditional 9-to-5 workday in favor of work-life balance and the ability to work when they want (and often where they want). The result often is an increase in productivity and a more satisfied workforce—a win-win for companies and their employees alike. Is your PBX system supporting your employees or hindering […]

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Communications as a Service: ‘Cloudifying’ the PBX

The cloud has had a dramatic impact on the way we do business, impacting everything from infrastructure to user access. Applications have broken free from onsite hardware giving users the ability to work anywhere at any time. And it’s just getting started. Even business communications have been given the cloud treatment, enabling users to access […]

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Hosted or On-Premises? Factors to Consider When Choosing a Phone System

A hosted or cloud-based Voice over IP (VoIP) phone system offers a number of advantages. If you’re already using VoIP-compatible phones, which many organizations are, capital costs are minor. Operational costs are also reduced because management and maintenance responsibilities shift to a third-party service provider. You pay as you go for the services you need, […]

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